Index Van Tyne, Claude H., Sovereignty in the American Revolution: An His- torical Study, 529-545; (R) Paullin's " The Navy of the American Revo- lution ", 666. " Varesine, Noterelle ", by F. Delia Chiesa, reviewed, 421. Vedder, H : C, " Balthasar Hiibmaier ", reviewed by W : W. Rockwell, 364. " Venedig, Geschichte von ", Vol. i., by H. Kretschmayr, reviewed, 864. " Venice ", Part i., by Pompeo Mol- menti, reviewed, 866. "Versailles, The Great Days of", by G. F. Bradby, reviewed, 883. Vicksbiirg, Letter of Grant to his Father, on the Capture of, 1S63. (doc), 109. ViGNAUD, H: Proof that Cohuhbus was born in 1451 : a Nezv Document, 270- 279. Villanova, M., 95. Villebois-Mareuil, colonel de, 309. Virginia, division of, from West Vir- ginia, 578-579- Virginia, Chief Justice Marshall and, by W. E. DoDD, 776-787. Virginia, Cohens v., (law case), 781. Virginia Company, 507, 514, 519, 527. " Virginia Company, Introduction to the Records of the ", by S. M. Kingsbury, reviewed, 174. Virginia, English Conditions surround- ing the Settlement of, by E. P. Cheyney, 507-528. "Virginia, Journals of the House of Burgesses of, 1 766-1 769", reviewed, 928. Virginian Tories, Intercepted Letters of, 1775, (doc), 341-346. Voltaire, 228. " Voyages, Early English and French ", reviewed, 692. Waldegrare, Richard de, 12. Walker, Williston, (R) Cartellieri's " Philipp II. August, Konig von Frankreich ", 358 ; " John Calvin ", reviewed by H. D. Foster, 366; (R) Burrage's " True Story of Robert Browne ", 419. Wallace, E., 304. Walpole, Horace. 268. (R) Terry's " Scot- 545; Walpole, Sir R., 252, 26S. " War Government ", by W : B. Wee- den, reviewed, 408. Ward, A. W. (ed.) "Cambridge Mod- ern History ", Vols. ix. and iv., re- viewed, 135, 627. Ward, Mrs. Humphrey, (introd.) Ar- nold's " Studies of Roman Imperial- ism ", 351. Warren, Joseph P. tish Parliament ' Washington, G 599- " Washington Society, First Forty Years of ", by Gaillard Hunt, re- viewed, 669. " Washington, George ", by J. A. Har- rison, reviewed, 897. " Washington, Letters and Recollec- tions of ", by L. L. Eyre, reviewed, 897. " Washington, Calendar of the Cor- respondence of George ", by J : C. Fitzpatrick, reviewed, 930. Waul, T. N., 67. Weatherly, U. G., paper by, 490. Webb, Sidney and Beatrice, "English Local Government ", reviewed by G : E. Howard, 631. Webb, T: H., 547, 566. Weeden, W: B., 484; "War Govern- ment ", reviewed, 408. Wellington, 42, 43, 310. " Weltwirtschaft, Die", (ed.) by Ernst von Halle, reviewed, 925. Wendell, B., paper by, 496. Wentworth, P :, 743. Wentworth, Thomas, earl of Stafford. 520. West Virginia, division of, from Vir- ginia, 578-579. Westermarck, Edward, " Sociological Papers", reviewed, 412. Western Spy (newspaper). 762, 766, 771. Western Territories, division of. 53-54- "Western Travels. Early", Vols, xxii., XXIII.. and xxiv., reviewed, 179. Westphalia, peace of, 221. " Westward Extension ", by G : P. Gar- rison, reviewed, 673. Wet, .general de, 306, 308, 309. White, A. B., 493.