CORRESPONDENCE, PROCEEDINGS, &c., MAY, 1775. 730hundred pounds of powder for Colonel Easton, with two hundred Pounds in cash, and have given orders to four companies to march immediately to the relief and support of our people at Crown Point and Ticonderoga, and have sent express to New-York and Philadelphia of our proceedings, that no jealousies may arise from our zeal and forwardness in this matter, which, without explanation, might seem to militate with a resolution of Continental Congress. Since these proceedings, have received a letter per express from New-York Provincial Convention, desiring our assistance for the support of those northern posts, until they can be in readiness to defend them with their own Troops, which, I understand, they are like to set on foot (this was without any knowledge of what we have done) for relief of Crown Point. They intimate their hopes that we will not be concerned lest they take umbrage at our doing any thing which we judge necessary for the general safety respecting those fortresses: seem very cordial, and we hear are well united. This intelligence I imagine will occasion our ordering Colonel Hinman, with his whole Regiment that way. The Deputy-Governour was consulting with the Governour on the necessity of sending more assistance to the support of our northern brethren, when Mr. Brown arrived with the above letter from New-York. Intelligence that way begins to brighten the prospect from that from quarter. Our gentlemen give us accounts of their having full and free conferences with Committee of New-York Convention, and give us favourable report from them. However, must not please ourselves too much.
Our Assembly have agreed to a bounty of ten Pounds per hundred weight on saltpetre, and five Pounds per hundred weight on sulphur, for any quantity of either that may be procured and made within the Colony for one year. Have also agreed to a bounty of five Shillings each on all fire-arms made within the Colony, and one Shilling and Six Pence for each gun-lock so made, to continue till the 20th of October next, and have promised to take on Government account all the arms that can be made in this Colony and offered to them for sale, till the said 20th October. You will see by this we are not entirely wanting in our duty. Colonel Parsons, I believe, will soon come your way. He is very desirous of going to Boston; has the same ideas you have of being stationed on his own ground. I delivered your letter for Captain Wadsworth. He was gone to Middletown. You will receive no answer from him per this post, and I am unable to say what they have done; I believe they intend you shall purchase at least for all the Troops coming your way, which, I imagine, must be three thousand or upwards, though, in the present incertitude of events, there are not so many under orders for Boston. John Mumford has done wrong to raise in your mind such ideas as your letter intimates. The matter of purchasing beef is not yet adopted, and don't know if it will; also the method of paying. These matters you must leave till you see us. You will then, perhaps, understand our trim better than by writing. The pay table is composed of William Pitkin, Thomas Seymour, Oliver Ellsworth, and Ezekiel Williams, Esquires. Our caution and fears respecting Ticonderoga, &c., are fully removed. A Committee is appointed to take care of, and dispose of the officers, soldiers, &c., belonging to those posts who are prisoners; they are all here. Albany would not receive them. I don't imagine you will very soon see the Troops out of Boston. In what way can they make an impression upon your camp? They seem to be attended by some fatality in all their attempts hitherto; however, hope their ill success will not beget a security in our people. I was in hopes there would be but little business for sutlers.
I am glad to find per our letters from New-York, that their Congress do not construe the resolution of Grand Congress to intend an evacuation of Ticonderoga and Crown Point, but only a removal of such artillery, stores, &c., as necessary, to Fort George, and keep possession above. For this purpose it is they desire our assistance. We have been in great agitation lest they should immediately order an abandoning those forts. New-York have sent a Committee to superintend the removal, &c., with a number of men for the purpose, and materials, &c., for ship or sloop building on the lakes. The Provincial Congress of New-York seem much pleased with our delegation to them, so also do the people of the City, &c. Mr. Low has failed of the presidentship, which is given to Mr. Peter V. B. Livingston, who, it is said, is a warm friend. They are also much pleased with a full and free representation of people, (for first time.) Their number consists of more than one hundred. Your affectionate brother.
J. Trumbull, Jr.
The Committee of Observation for New-Milford, in the County of Litchfield, Connecticut, having duly notified Zechariah Ferris, Joseph Ferris, Jun., James Osborne, Daniel Taylor, Nathaniel Taylor, and Hezekiah Stevens, Jun., all of said New-Milford, to appear before said Committee this day, to give reason, if any they had, why they and each of them should not be advertised as foes to the rights of British America; and said said Zechariah Ferris, Joseph Ferris, Jun., James Osborne, Daniel Taylor, and Hezekiah Stevens, Jun., having neglected to appear, and to give any satisfaction to said Committee; and said Nathaniel Taylor having appeared, and declared his opposition to the doings of the Continental Congress; and said Committee having fully deliberated upon, and finding each of the afore-named persons obstinately fixed in their opposition to the doings of said Congress, and the now bleeding cause of America; thinks itself in duty bound to make this publication, that each of said persons may be universally neglected, and treated as incorrigible enemies to the rights of British America, according to the eleventh article of the Association, entered into by said Congress.
By order of the Committee:
Samuel Canfield, Committee Clerk.
Litchfield, May 29, 1775.
N. B. Five other persons being also notified to appear with the above, have made their retraction, and signed a compliance in full, with the doings of the Congress, to the acceptance of the Committee.
New-Haven, May 29, 1775.
Sir: One of our number waits on your Honour with this, to inform the General Assembly, through the channel of your Honour, that we are now in possession of upwards of sixty cannon, nine, six, and three-pounders, for the use of the Colony, out of which a sufficient number may be made use of for the defence of this Town, if the honourable General Assembly think proper to order a battery built and carriages made for the guns, with suitable stores of powder and ball to be provided.
We refer you to Mr. Ball for the particulars of the manner of our being possessed of these cannon, which we think a great acquisition, and shall esteem ourselves happy to receive the directions of the honourable Assembly how they are to be disposed of. We are, with great respect, your most obedient servants,
Jeremiah Atwater,
Isaac Doolittle, Selectmen.
James Gilbert,
Honourable Jonathan Trumbull, Esq.
Hartford, May 29, 1775.
Gentlement: I am desired to enclose to you a copy of a letter from the Congress of New-York to this Assembly, dated 25th instant, which you will receive herewith per Mr. Brown, who is on his return from the Continental Congress. The contents of the above mentioned letter were immediately taken into consideration by this Assembly; in consequence whereof, they came into the following resolutions: That one thousand men, (including four hundred which we had before ordered,) under command of Colonel Hinman, should march as soon as possible to Ticonderoga and Crown Point, for the support and defence of those fortresses. That they continue there until they are relieved by the Province of New-York, or are otherwise ordered by this Assembly. That Colonel Hinman take the command of our Troops on those stations. That the Troops be furnished with one pound of powder, and three pounds