INDEX. 1934Massachusetts-Bay—
up Arms, read before the People and the Army at Cambridge, - - 1667
Council to General Gates, on disposition of Prisoners, - . . 1749
General Assembly, Letter from General Washington, - - 1764
Resolution of Continental Congress on the Government of, - 1845
McDougall, Alexander, to Josiah Quincy, Jun., - 283
McClary, Andrew, to New-Hampshire Provincial Congress, on conduct of some of their Troops, - - 378
McCulloch, Adam, publishes his determination to adhere to the cause of the Country, - 1642
Mecklenurgh Resolutions, (See North-Carolina.)
Mississippi, Governour Browne encourages Emigration and Settlement in West-Florida,
on the Mississippi River, - - 992-1000
Mobs, "Lucius" on the representations concerning them in Vol. I. Folio 1260, 156
Mollison, William, His conduct justified by Richard Glover, - - 464
Money, Continental, Two Million Dollars struck, 1031
Morris, Gouverneur, Correspondence with Richard H. Lee, on Rivington's case, - 726
Morris, Lewis, Answers Protest of Westchester County against choosing Deputies to elect Delegates to Continental Congress, - 323
Navy, British, Proclamation of Admiral Graves, - 525
Address of "Sidney" to Seamen, - - 1004
Captain Montague to Captain Squire, - 1692
Proclamation on destruction of Light-houses by the Americans, - - 1696
Articles of Enlistment at Durham, - 31-32
Proceedings of Board of Trade and Plantations, respecting Lands disputed with New-York, - - - 136
"The Spectator" to Governour Wentworth, 159
Portsmouth Association, ... 351
Portsmouth Volunteers, - 299
Proceedings of Committee for New-Hampshire Grants, - ..:'.' - 315
"Green Mountain Boys " resident in New-Hampshire Grants, - - 1535
"Candidates" at Portsmouth to the People, 334
Letter from Newburyport, on attack of Lexington and Concord, - - 359
Provincial Congress, Letter from Committee of Safety of Massachusetts on same, - 373
Andrew McClary, at Cambridge, on conduct of some of the New-Hampshire Troops, 378
Letter from Massachusetts Committee of Safety, on enlisting Men, - 385
H. Jackson to Colonel Jeremiah Lee, on re-enforcement, - - 385
Provincial Congress, Letter from Colonel John Wentworth, - 394
Provincial Convention to Provincial Congress of Massachusetts, ... 401
Answer to the above, - - - 429
Sandbornton Selectmen to Provincial Congress, -
Meeting of the Inhabitants of Londonderry—Stephen Holland avows his attachment to his Country, - 447
Petition from New-Castle, N. H., to Provincial Congress of Massachusetts for Ammunition, - - 486
Assembly meets, 4th May, 1775. Communications from New- York Assembly Address to and from the Governour, J. Wentworth—Adjourned by the Governour, 519-'24
P. Bailey, James McMaster, Thomas Achincloss, their Recantation, - - 552
Portsmouth Town-Meeting Proceedings, - 611
Marlow Committee to Provincial Committee, 612
Town of Alstead to Provincial Congress, - 612
Portsmouth Committee to Provincial Congress, - - - 632, 896
John Stark to Provincial Congress, - 639, 739
Provincial Congress to Governour of, - 640
Committee of Safety Proceedings Armed Forces ordered to be raised, - - 648
Provincial Congress, May 17, 1775. Post-Office established at Portsmouth—Arms to be procured—Manufactures encouraged Two thousand Men to be raised—approve removal of Gunpowder from William and Mary Castle—Officers appointed—Instructions to Committee of Safety—Disapprove conduct of Governour in creating new Members of Assembly—Several Addresses prepared—Brigadier-General Folsom commissioned as First Commander—Secrecy enjoined—Bills of Credit issued, - 647-'60
Proceedings communicated to Massachusetts Congress, - - 66-1
Delegates at Philadelphia to Provincial Committee on Indians and Guy Johnson, - 669
Provincial Congress to Deputies in Continental Congress, 696, 894-'5
Same to Continental Congress, - 696
Same to Massachusetts Congress, - - 697
Letter from Colonel John Fenton, on Indian Affairs, .... . 698
Committees of Safety—Portsmouth, Greenland, and Rye Proceedings, - 701
Provincial Congress, Letter from Massachusetts Congress, - ... 717
Present condition given by their Delegates in Continental Congress, - - 725
Ebenezer Lovering's Recantation, - - 725
Letters from Massachusetts Congress, on Ticonderoga, - 737, 876
Portsmouth Committee to Newburyport Committee, - - 740
Account of Damage done by British to Fort William and Mary, - . 740
Provincial Congress to Colonel Stark, - 868
Same, Letters from Portsmouth Committee, - - 868,937
Mesbech Weare to Provincial Congress, - 869
Committee of Safety, Letter from Winborn Adams, - - 869
Provincial Congress, Letter from Charles Johnson, - - 869
Same, Letter from Joseph Kelly, - - 878
Same, Letter from Nathaniel Shaw, - 894
Same to New-York Provincial Congress, on Ticonderoga, - - 895
Same to Massachusetts Congress, on Canada, 902
New-Hampshire Grants William Duer to New-York Congress, - - 910
Conway Town-Meeting Proceedings, - 914
John Prentice renounces his Signature in favour of Governour Hutchinson, - 921
Provincial Congress Proceedings, - - 937
Same, Letters from John Hancock, President Continental Congress, - 956, 1034
Same, Letter from Conway Committee, - 958
Committee of Safety to Massachusetts Congress, - 979
Exeter Committee to Conway Committee, 979
Provincial Congress, Letters from Massachusetts Congress, - 1003, 1383
Committee of Safety, Letter from Colonel Read, - - 1005-7
Same, Letter from Colonel Israel Gilman, 1013
Governour Wentworth to Theodore Atkinson, 1019
General Folsom, Letter from Col. Bartlett, 1022
Provincial Congress, Letter from Col. John Stark, on Charlestown Battle, - 1029
Committee of Safety, Letter from James McGregore, - 1029
Provincial Congress, Letter from Delegates in Continental Congress, - - 1035
Messrs. Bucknam and Wales to Colonels Bailey and Hurd, on Indians and Canada, 1041