CONTINENTAL CONGRESS, SEPTEMBER 5, 1774. 896 of Boston, and upon proper measures to establish the rights and liberties of the Colonies upon a just and solid foundation, agreeable to the Instructions given you by the General Assembly. Given under my hand and the seal of the said Colony, this 10th day of August, in the year of our r 1 Lord 1774, and the fourteenth of the reign of ' his most sacred Majesty George the Third, by the grace of God, King of Great Britain, &ic. Signed : J. WANTON. By his Honour's command, HENRY WARD, Secretary. FOR CONNECTICUT. In the House of Representative* of the Colony of CON- NECTICUT, JUNE 3, 1774. Whereas a Congress of Commissioners from the several British Colonies in America, is proposed by some of our neighbouring Colonies, and thought necessary ; and where- as it may be found expedient that such Congress should be convened before the next session of this Assembly : Resolved, By this House, that the Committee of Corres- pondence be, and they are hereby, empowered, on applica- tion to them made, or from time to time, as may be found necessary, to appoint a suitable number to attend such Congress, or Convention of Commissioners, or Committees of the several Colonies in British America, and the per- sons thus to be chosen shall be, and they are hereby di- rected, in behalf of this Colony, to attend such Congress; to consult and advise on proper measures for advancing the best good of the Colonies, and such conferences, from time to time, to report to this House. A true extract and copy from the Journal of the House. Attest : WILLIAM WILLIAMS, Clerk. Colony of CONNECTICUT, ss. New-London, July 13, 1774. At a Meeting of the Committee of Correspondence for this Colony : The Hon. EBENEZER SILLIMAN, Esq., Chairman. The Honourable Eliphalet Dyer, the Honourable Wil- liam Samuel Johnson, Erastus Wolcott, Silas Decree, and Richard Law, Esquires, were nominated, pursuant to the Act of the Honourable House of Representatives of the said Colony, at their sessions in May last, either three of which are hereby authorized and empowered, in behalf of tills Colony, to attend the General Congress of the Colo- nies, proposed to be held at Philadelphia, on the first day of September next, or at such other time and place as shall be agreed on by the Colonies, to consult and advise with the Commissioners or Committees of the several English Colonies in America, on proper measures for ad- vancing the best good of the Colonies. SIGNED, Ebenezer Silliman, William Will-'ams, Benjamin Payne, Erastus Wolcott, Joseph Trumbull, Samuel H. Parsons, Nathaniel Wales, Junior, Silas Deane. Colony of CONNECTICUT, ss. Hartford, August, 1774. At a Meeting of the Committee of Correspondence for this Colony : ERASTUS WOLCOTT, Chairman. The Honourable William Samuel Johnson, Erastus Wolcott, and Richard Law, Esquires, nominated by this Committee at New-London, on the 13th of July last, as persons proper to attend the General Congress, to be held at Philadelphia, on the first of September next, as by said appointment, being unable, by reason of previous engage- ments and the state of their health, to attend said Con- gress on behalf of this Colony ; the Honourable Roger Sherman, and Joseph Trumbull, Esquires, were nominated in the place of the aforesaid gentlemen, as persons proper to attend said Congress, in behalf of this Colony, either of which are empowered, with the Honourable Eliphalet Dyer and Silas Deane, Esquires, for that purpose. SIGNED, Wm. Williams, Benjamin Payne, Joseph Trum- bull, Nathaniel Wales, Junior, Samuel H. Parsons, and Samuel Bishop. FOR NEW- YORK. By duly certified polls, taken by proper persons, in seven Wards, it appears that James Duane, John Jay, Philip Livingston, Isaac Low, and John Alsop, Esquires, were elected as Delegates for the City and County of New- York, to attend the Congress at Philadelphia, the first day of September next ; and at a Meeting of the Com- mittees of the several Districts in the County of West- chester, the same gentlemen were appointed to represent that County ; also by a letter from Jacob Lansing, Junior, Chairman, in behalf of the Committee for Albany, it ap- pears that that City and County had adopted the same for their Delegates. By another letter it appears that the Committees from the several Districts in the County of Dutch ess, had likewise adopted the same as Delegates to represent that County in Congress, and that Committees of other Towns approve of them as their Delegates. By a writing, duly attested, it appears the County of Suffolk, in the Colony of New-York, have appointed Colonel William Floyd to represent them in Congress. FOR NEW-JERSEY. To JAMES KINSEY, WM. LIVINGSTON, JOHN DE HART, STEPHEN CRANE, and RICHARD SMITH, Esquires, each and every of you : The Committees appointed by the several Counties of the Colony of New- Jersey, to nominate Deputies to repre- sent the same in the General Congress of Deputies from the other Colonies in America, convened at the City of New-Brunswick, have nominated and appointed, and do hereby nominate and appoint you. and each of you, De- puties to represent the Colony of New-Jersey, in the said General Congress. In testimony whereof the Chairmen of the said several Committees here met, have hereunto set their hands, this twenty-third day of July, in the fourteenth year of the reign of our sovereign Lord George the Third, and in the year of our Lord 1774. SIGNED, William P. Smith, Jacob Ford, John Moores, Robert Johnson, Robert Field, Robert Friend Price, Peter Zabriskie, Samuel Tucker, Edward Taylor, Hendrick Fisher, Archibald Stewart, Thomas Ander- son, Abia Broim, Mark Thompson. FOR PENNSYLVANIA. Extract from Votes of the Assembly. Friday, July 22, 1774, A. M. The Committee of the Whole House taking into their most serious consideration the unfortunate differences which have long subsisted between Great Britain and the Ameri- can Colonies, and been greatly increased by the operation and effects of divers late Acts of the British Parliament : Resolved, N. C. D. That there is an absolute necessity that a Congress of Deputies from the several Colonies be held as soon as conveniently rnay be, to consult together upon the present unhappy state of the Colonies, and to form and adopt a plan for the purposes of obtaining redress of American grievances, ascertaining American rights upon the most solid and constitutional principles, and for estab- lishing that union and harmony between Great Britain and the Colonies which is indispensably necessary to the wel- fare and happiness of both. Eodem die, P. M. The House resumed the consideration of the Resolve from the Committee of the Whole House, and, after some debate thereon, adopting and confirming the same, Resolved, N. C. D. That the Honourable Joseph Gal- loway, Speaker, Samuel Rhoads, Thomas Mifflin, Charles Humphreys, John Morton, George Ross, and Edward Biddlc, Esquires, be, and they are hereby, appointed a Committee on the part of this Province, for the purposes aforesaid, and that they, or any four of them, do meet such Committees or Delegates from the other Colonies, as have been or may be appointed, either by their respective Houses of Representatives, or by Convention, or by the Provincial or Colony Committees, at such time and place as shall be generally agreed on by such Committees.