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Van, Mr., Speech on Address to the King, - - 1474 Remarks on Questions to be asked Witnesses, 1743 Virginia Proceedings on Pennsylvania Boundary, 252 262, '88, 454, '85, 545-9, 790, 1013, '50, 1179 -6 Letter from a Member of Assembly, May, , - '-340 Proceedings of House of Burgesses Dis- solved by Governour Dunmore, - 350, '52 Proceedings at Norfolk, 370-2, 451, 518, 1217 Fredericksburg Resolutions, - 373 Lord Dunmore to Earl of Dartmouth, 387, 1061 Prince William Resolutions, - - 388, 1034 Frederick County Resolutions, - - 392 Dunmore Resolutions, - - 417 Thomson Mason's Addresses from Williams- burg, - - 418, '95, 519, '41, 620, '48 New Assembly ordered, - 419 Westmoreland County Proceedings and Re- solutions, - - - 437, 1203, '22 Spottsylvania County do. do. - - 448 Richmond County do. do. - 492, 1021 Prince George County do. do. - - 493 James City County do. do. - 499, 1007 Culpepper County do. do. - - 522 Assembly prorogued by Lord Dunmore, July, 1774, - - 523 Essex County Proceedings, - - 527, 1026 Fauquier County Proceedings, - - 528 Nansemond County Proceedings, - - 529 New Kent County Proceedings, - - 535 Chesterfield County Proceedings, - 537, 1007 Gloucester County Proceedings, - 538, 1051 Caroline County Proceedings, 539, 1031, '47 Henrico County Proceedings Instructions to Delegates, ... 550 Middlesex County Proceedings, - - 551 Dinwiddie County Declarations, - - 552 Surry County Resolutions, - - 593 Supplies collected for Boston, - - 593, 787 York County Resolutions, - - 596 Fairfax County Proceedings, 597, 1051, 1145 Hanover County Address to John Syme and Patrick Henry, Jun., fee., 615, 1248 Stafford County Resolutions, and Address to John Alexander and Charles Carter, 617 Elizabeth City County Resolutions, - 634 Albemarle County Resolutions, - - 637 Accomack County Resolutions and Proceed- ings, - 639, 1059 Princess Ann County Proceedings, - 640, 1026 Buckingham County Resolutions, - - 643 Anonymous Address to the Convention, - 647 Same to the People of Virginia, - 685, 882 Convention at Williamsburg, 1st August. 1774 Instructions to Deputies to Gen- eral Congress, - 686-90 Mr. Jefferson's View on the Rights of Bri- tish America, - - 690 William Preston's Letters on Indian Depre- dations, - - 707, 808 Norfolk Proceedings on Tea imported, - 727 Adam Stephen to R. H. Lee, - 740 Anonymous Letter to the Members of Con- gress, - - - 759 Earl of Dartmouth to Lord Dunmore, - 774 Courts suspended, - 775 Resolutions of certain Officers under Lord Dunmore, - 962, 1671 Proceedings at Yorktown and Gloucester, on Teas imported, - 964-5 Proceedings in Westmoreland against Da- vid Wardrobe, - - - 970 Williamsburg Merchants, to Peyton Ran- dolph, and others, - 972 King's Proclamation, creating Copper Cur- rency for Virginia, - - 982 Committee of Henrico County, - 985, 1037 Committee of Elizabeth City County, - 991 Virginia Committee of Warwick County, - 994 Lord Dunmore returns from Indian War, 1014-20 Isle of Wight Proceedings, - 1026 King and Queen County Proceedings, - 1037 Address of the Council to Lord Dunmore, and his Answer, - 1043 Northampton Proceedings, - - 1044, '46 Charles City Proceedings, - - 1049, '91 Orange County Proceedings, - ' - 1056 Williamsburg Committee chosen, - - 1059 Charlotte County Committee and Proceed- ings, - - - 1138 Militia organizing Ammunition procuring, 1145 Fincastle Meeting, and Address to the Dele- gates in Continental Congress, - - 1165 Proclamation by Governour Dunmore, for protection of the Indians, - - 1169 Northumberland County Proceedings against Gambling, - - - 1178 Pittsylvania Proceedings, - - 1182 Lancaster County Proceedings, - - 1213 Cumberland County Proceedings, - - 1247 Augusta County Proceedings, - 1253 Botetourt County Proceedings, - 1255 Copy of Act of 16th April, 1764, for pre- servation of Peace in Virginia, Sic., laid before House of Commons, - - 1632 Vyner, Mr., Views on Mr. Hartley's Proposition for Conciliation, - - - 1792 Views on Ways and Means for Supplies, - 1815 Wagener, Melchior, withdraws from Pennsylvania Convention, - - 1170 Wakefield, and adjacent Towns, Petition House of Commons, - - 1628 Walker, George, examined as witness on West In- dia Trade in Parliament, - 1722 Wallace, Mr., Motion on Bill for Administration of Justice in Massachusetts Bay, - 120, 124 Walsingham, Captain, Views on Supplies for 1775, 1591 Ward, Mr., Speech on Boston Port Bill, - 44 Same on Government of Massachusetts Bay, 74 Wardrobe, David, Proceedings against him in West- moreland County, Virginia, - - 970 Warren, Sir Peter, Earl of Sandwich quotes him against American courage, and is contradicted in a Letter from " An old English Merchant," - 1681 Warren, Joseph, communicates a Letter of Samuel Adams, and warns them against the inten- tion of exciting prejudices in the minds of Episcopalians, - - 802 His Interrogatories to General Gage, and his Answer, - - 806 Letter to Josiah Quincy, Junior, - 990 Letter to Arthur Lee, - - 1252 Watson, Brook, examined on Fisheries of North America, - - - - 1638, '67 Ways and Means for raising Supplies for 1775, - 1811 Wedderburn, Solicitor General Speech on Administration of Justice in Mas- sachusetts Bay, - 1 15, '21 Speech on Motion to Repeal Tea Duty, - 163 Speech on Quebeck Bill, - - 209 Speech on Address to the King, 1474, 1565 Speech on Petition of London Merchants, - 1529 Declares Rebellion in America, - 1623 West Indies, Merchants in London, Meetings, 1082, 1147 Imports and Exports to and from England, in 1772, - - - 1548, 1629, 1702 Planters' Petition considered, and witnesses examined, - 1721 Wetmorc, Timothy, his opinion of the Rights of Par- liament, (Note,) - - 803 Weymouth, Lord. Speech on Lord Chatham's Mo- tion to Recall Troops from America, - 1504 Whigs and Tories, Letter from a British Officer, 1068 Whitehaven, Petition from Merchants to House of Commons, - - 1630 Willard, Abijak, Member of Council of Massachu- setts, his treatment by the people, - - - 731

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