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��[N. s., 22, 1920

��LIME, use of, by Peruvian Indians, 98 LINTON, RALPH, field work of, 201 LIVI, RUDOLFO, death of, 394 LOWIE, ROBERT H., reviews by, 72, 80, i&6, 188, 189, 383


75 MASON, J. ALDEN, The Papago Harvest

Festival, 13 MASSACHUSETTS, Indian Corn-hills in,


MAYA Account of the Creation, 360 McKERN, MR., field work of, 201 MEMBERS, 1920, American Anthropo- logical Association Officers and, 100 METHODS of Ethnology, The, 311 MICHELSON, TRUMAN, field work of, 198;

honorary election of, 98 MUNICH, Institute for Ethnology at, 200 MUNRO, DR. ROBERT, death of, 308

NAMES Around Santa Fe, New Mexico, Old Indian Geographical, 341

NATIONAL Research Council, Meeting of the, 200

NAVAJO War Dance, Notes on a, 304

NELSON, N. C., field work of, 310; Gustaf Retzius, 173

NEW MEXICO, Old Indian Geographical Names Around Santa Fe, 341; Ruins of the Historic Period in the Upper San Juan, 322

NEW ZEALAND UNIVERSITY, anthropology at, 97

NOTES on a Navajo War Dance, 304

NOTES on Isleta, Santa Ana, and Acoma, 56

NUTTALL, ZELIA, Comments on Hand- book of Aboriginal American Anti- quities (Holmes), 301

OFFICERS and Members, 1920, American Anthropological Association, 100

OHIO Archaeology, Culture Problem in, 144

OLD Indian Geographical Names Around Santa Fe, New Mexico, 341

OPPORTUNITIES for Coordination in An- thropological and Psychological Re- search, i

ORGANIZATION of the Kwakiutl, Social, in

PADOUCA?, Who Were the, 248 PAN-PACIFIC Scientific Congress, meeting

of, 392

PAPAGO Harvest Festival, The, 13 PAPERS at the Cambridge Meeting, 1919,

Addresses and, 94

��PARKER, ARTHUR C., field work of, 198, 308

PARSONS, ELSIE CLEWS, Notes on Isleta, Santa Ana, and Acoma, 56

POLYNESIAN Problem, Some Conclusions and Suggestions Regarding the, 226

PROCEEDINGS of the American Anthro- pological Association, Anthropology at the Cambridge Meeting and, 86

PSYCHOANALYSIS, Totem and Taboo: An Ethnologic, 48

PSYCHOLOGICAL Research, Opportunities for Coordination in Anthropology and, i


394 QUILEUTE Indians, Eschatology of the, 330


death of, 308 REAGAN, ALBERT B., Who Made the

Kayenta-N ational Monument

Ruins?, 387

RECHE, DR. OTTO, work of, 309 REINDEER Once More, The, 192 REPORT of Editor, 90

Secretary (A. A. A.), 86

Treasurer (A. A. A.), 87 RETZIUS, GUSTAF, N. C. Nelson, 173 REVIEW by Dixon, R. B., 178; Kroeber,

A. L., 186; Lowie, Robert H., 72, 80,

186; 188; 189; MacCurdy, George

Grant, 75; Skinner, Alanson, 78;

Sullivan, Louis R., 185; Wallis,

Wilson D., 74

RIVERS, W. H. R., visit of, to America, 200 ROTH, WALTER E., Comments: "The

Central Arawaks," 291 ROYS, RALPH L., A Maya Account of

the Creation, 360 RUINS of the Historic Period in the

Upper San Juan, New Mexico, 322

Who Made the Kayenta- National

Monument, 387

SAN ANGEL y la Cultura Arcaica del Valle de Mexico, Las Excavaciones del Pedregal de, 127

SANTA ANA, and Acoma, Notes on Isleta, 56

Fe, New Mexico, Old Indian Geo- graphical Names Around, 341

SECRETARY (A. A. A.), Report of, 86

SELER, EDUARD, 7oth birthday of, 309

SHETRONE, H. C., The Culture Problem in Ohio Archaeology, 144

SKINNER, ALANSON, appointment of, at Milwaukee, 310; field work of, 309; review by, 78

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