< Page:American Anthropologist NS vol. 22.djvu
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CUNDAYO [25:8]

The Tewa pueblo ruin Kudiyo (obscure: yo apparently aug- mentative) lies on the mesa southwest of Cundayo hamlet. The locality is several miles northeast of Nambe.

EL RITO [4:4]

The El Rito region is called in Tewa P'i'a n nuge, pink below place (p'i'a n , pink, from p'i, red, and 'a n , brown; nu'u, below; ge, loc.), referring to the El Rito mountains, p'i'a n p'i n 7/, pink mountains

(p'i n ?7, mountain).

EMBUDO [8:73]

Embudo town and canyon, above San Juan, are named by the Tewa Pore'iwe, fishweir place (pore, fishweir; 'iwe, place). Span. Embudo, funnel, is a descriptive name applied to the canyon.

ESPANOLA [14:16]

Espanola, literally, 'Spanish town,' is called by the Tewa Butsa n bi'i, new town (bu'u, plaza, town; tsa n bi'i, new inan.).

ESTACA [10:4]

Estaca settlement is on the west side of the Rio Grande, at the foot of Canoa Mesa, north of San Juan. The Tewa call Estaca Na n mphonu'u, below where the holes are in the ground; or the place below, where the holes are in the ground (na n ^, earth; pho, hole;

nu'u, below).


The Rito de los Frijoles is in Tewa Puqwige, where they scraped or wiped the bottoms (possibly of the pottery vessels) (pu, buttocks, bottom; qwi, to scrape, to wipe; ge, loc.). The Tewa name is difficult to analyse; and T y u'on y i, the Cochiti name, does not yield

at all to analysis.

GALISTEO [29:39]

Galisteo pueblo ruin and modern town are the Thanuge par excellence of the Tewa, although this name is also applied to the whole region south of Santa Fe the old Tano country. Thanuge means live down-country place (tha, to dwell; nu'u, below; ge, loc.).

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