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Johnston, Sir Harry H. A Comparative Study of the Bantu and Semi-Bantu Languages. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1919. xi, 815 pp., 2 maps.

Marett, R. R. Psychology and Folk-Lore. Methuen and Co.: London, 1920. ix, 275 pp.

Morris, Earl H. Preliminary Account of the Antiquities of the Region between the Mancos and La Plata Rivers in Southwestern Colo- rado. (Thirty-third Annual Report, Bureau of American Ethnology, Washington, D. C., 1919, pp. 155-206.)

Paudler, Fritz. Cro-Magnon-Studien. (Anthropos, vols. xii-xm, 1917-18, pp. 641-694.)

Pope, Saxton T. The Medical History of Ishi. (University of California Publications, American Archaeology and Ethnology, vol. xin, no. 5, pp. 175-213.) Berkeley, 1920. Pis. 38-44, 8 figs.

Rivers, W. H. R. The Concept of "Soul-Substance" in New Guinea and Melanesia. (Folk-Lore, vol. xxxi, no. I, pp. 48-69). March 30, 1920.

. Psychology and Medicine. (The British Journal of Psychol- ogy, vol. x, pp. 183-193.) 1920.

Rutot, A. Un essai de reconstitution plastique des races humaines primitives. Brussels, 1919. 172 pp., 15 pis., 241 figs.

Sapper, Karl. Die Bedrohung des Bestandes der Naturvolker und die Vernichtung ihrer Eigenart. (Archiv fur Rassen- und Gesellschafts- Biologie, vol. xii, 1916-18, pp. 268-320, 417-439.)

Saville, Marshall H. A Sculptural Vase from Guatemala. (Leaflets of the Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, No. i.) New York, September, 1919. 2 pp., i pi., i drawing.

Schmidt, P. W. Die Personalpronomina in den australischen Sprachen, mit einem Anhang: Die Interrogativpronomina in den austra- lischen Sprachen. (Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Philosoph- isch-historische Klasse, Denkschriften, 64, Band, i. Abhandlung.) Wien: Alfred Holder, 1919. 113 pp., I map, 5 tables.

Werth, E. Der tertiare Mensch; die Eolithen- und Vormenschen- frage. (Praehistorische Zeitschrift, vol. x, 1918 pp., 1-40.)

Wilson, E. N. The White Indian Boy. The Story of Uncle Nick among the Shoshones. Revised and edited by Howard R. Driggs, Professor of Education, University of Utah. Yonkers-on-Hudson; World Book Co., 1919, xi, 222 pp.

Wissler, Clark. Arctic Geography and Eskimo Culture: A Review of Steensby's Work. (The Georgraphical Review, vol. ix, no. 2, pp. 125- 138.) February, 1920.

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