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Dolls form the most popular of children's toys; the head consists in- variably of a wild goose's or duck's bill.

The excellent illustrations add materially to the value of this paper for museum curators.



Aranzadi, Telesforo de. Los Gentiles del Aralar. Bilbao: Juan J. Rochelt, 1919. 39 pp., i map, 12 figs.

. El Tipo y Raza de los Vascos. Bilbao: Juan J. Rochelt, 1919. 30 pp., 3 maps, 9 figs.

. Craneos de Guipuzcoa. (Asociacion Espanola para el Progreso de las Ciencias: Congreso de Madrid.) Madrid: Eduardo Arias, 1913. Pp. 1-55-

, and Ansoleaga, T. de. Exploracion de catorce Dolmenes del Aralar. Pamplona: Imprenta provincial a cargo de M. Falces, 1918. 53 pp., i map, 13 figs., 30 pis.

Beaver, Wilfred N. Unexplored New Guinea. With an Introduc- tion by A. C. Haddon. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1920. 320 pp., 32 ills., 4 maps.

Bushnell, David I., Jr. Native Villages and Village Sites East of the Mississippi. (Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 69.) Wash- ington, 1919. in pp., 17 pis., 12 figs.

Cooke, George Willis. The Social Evolution of Religion. Boston: The Stratford Company, 1920. xxiv + 416 pp.

Gaupp, Ernst. August Weismann, sein Leben und sein Werk. Jena: Gustav Fischer, 1917. viii + 297 pp.

Ischer, Th. Die Chronologic des Neolithikums der Pfahlbauten der Schweiz. (Sonder-Abdruck aus dem Anzeiger fur schweizerische Altertumskunde 1919.) Ernst Bircher: Bern, 1920. 28 pp., 23 figs.

Jijon y Caamano, J. La Religion del Imperio de los Incas. I: Los Fundamentos del Culto. Huacas, Conopas, Apachitas, Urcos, Huancas, Machais. Quito: Tipografia y Encuadernacion Salesianas, 1919. IV, 452 pp.

Keith, Arthur. The Differentiation of Mankind into Racial Types. (Address to the Anthropological Section, British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1919.) 7 pp.

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