< Page:American Anthropologist NS vol. 22.djvu
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m the page rate, has been added. This latter charge about offsets the charge for paper mentioned above. Except for an increase in the printing and binding of plates, the Association faces an increase of 50 per cent in the cost of issuing its publications. On the average this will mean a cost of about $4 per page. As far as possible plates must be avoided or paid for by the authors of the articles. The additional charges for binding applies this year to three numbers of the Anthropologist and to one Memoir, and the advanced composition rates to two numbers of the Anthropologist and one Memoir. This additional and unexpected increase in cost has betrayed the editor into exceeding his budget by the amount mentioned above.

For the year 1920 it is recommended that $2,000 be allowed for publishing the American Anthropologist. This will permit a volume of about 475 pages. We are under obligations to complete volume vi of the Memoirs, the fourth number of which is now in the hands of the printer. This is a paper on "Penobscot Shamanism" by Frank G. Speck and will make about forty pages costing $160. An index for the volume will cost about $40. To complete volume vi then will require $500. To meet this charge there will be available $250 from our regular income. The additional amount required should be provided in some manner.

The question whether the Editor shall be authorized to continue with the Memoirs and issue during 1920 two or three numbers of volume vn should be determined by the Council.

Respectfully submitted,



The President appointed Messrs. B. T. B. Hyde and George H. Pepper to audit the accounts of the Treasurer.

It was resolved by motions duly made and passed: That in the future it shall be the policy of the Association to elect the same individual to the office of Editor and Treasurer.

That the present membership of the Executive Committee be main- tained by the election of one additional member to fill the place left vacant by this consolidation of offices. That the budget for the year 1920 be:

$2,000 to print the American Anthropologist 600 for office expenses 200 to complete volume vi of the Memoirs.

That the Chairman appoint a committee with power to arrange for

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