A Voyage to Other Worlds.
crystal vase full of fruits. She held them over the fire, and rather timidly presented them to us warm. They were grateful to eat—warm and aromatic.
"You see, still," said Ezariel, "the fire, symbol prevails. They welcome us by warmth. It is evident that in this world cold is counted the greatest of evils."
After we had partaken of the food, we had a short consultation as to what we had better do, Ezariel proposed that he and Arauniel should remain in retirement in that quiet forest district, or in the Ice Island, while I, profiting by my experience on earth, should endeavour to acquire the Martian language, and go among the people. Strange to say, both my companions expressed a great shrinking from the Martians, and as it was understood we were to keep a rigid incognito, we agreed that it was better for me to travel alone, while they studied the almost infinite natural treasures around them.
A venerable and majestic-looking Martian suddenly entered as we were discussing our projects. He was as tall as his comrade, i.e., some nine feet high, but grave and apparently aged. His face was thoughtful, and he had an appearance of authority. Around his neck there