< Page:Africa by Élisée Reclus, Volume 4.djvu
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a. they were from fever, they found so difficult to surmount H„, !,„„ ■a appear... th.«e uplands are at least favoured ^ sal^r „ 70 irZ r:::irwu:r-o:r.re.^^^^^^^^^^^^ that of the temperate .one Most of thl I L ^ m, "'"""'P^^'^ resembling vaUeys on tie aLneod s;rs ""hl^I'aL 1?;: "" "" """' "•» '"« ^'^ River Systems. A few inconsiderable watercourses reach the coast nnril, ,>» ,1, n estuary; but the first large fluvial delta is that of thtp fi r . , """ 180 miles beyond that point Thi, . V 1 "' ^'""j "^^'"^ ^ mSBSSSBms a..a of d..nage comprises an area roughly eftimated at%,0 0^- .„ les Th: Luwego. or Luvu (Lu-Wego, Lu-Vu), the chief southern triblrT a „t ^e b^n surveyed to .,s source. It is not navigable, and probably has iiVsource in he faU ,0 fall in frLkv M flan?d . "" ' """"^ , """ "'" ""'■ ^^'""^"^ f™"' fo™e<l of sinlle Zn[ "^.V""*""^ ^^ »'•'"""' -»"«• »"' hundreds of canoc-s orme<lot single trunks of trees ore met in the navigable reaches which during .berau,y season «,me,imes expand to a breadth of over 2,000 yards ^ The united Luwego and Uranga take the name of Eufiji, which a few hundred Tot °: f -"«-- t-bles over the Shuguli Casca'd., a series ofSta raptds skirted by granite cliffs. Above these cataracts some rockv islets in bo^h converging branches serve as refuges for the natives exposed ote II o 1 "^r t" ""^ '"^^ "'^ ^'"'J' ^'"■'■•-- 'he nor,h.east.rroout^ Hater it rolls down during the rainy season, when it becomes the la^ge^^ brnch In ;: IT"'- ""' "^"« »"« p-'-x^ »' ^-^' '» i» « 1- copi: " butif "f "' ""™ "'"' **" '*"" "■« I'-fiJi '««!'« "o further eontri ruos nora:r.uth':;r ttritftr rtrr-r^'- '^'•' "-^^^ gorge where it rushes over the PanrnTFall. V ■"'" '* "* ""^ yet been take-, nf ,h. ♦ , i i '^*°8aDi Falls, ^o accurate mrasureraent has y been taken of .he total inehne at this point, but it must be very considerable,

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