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between Cape Colony and the Free State, thank8 to the bridge that has been constructed on the main stream at this point. P/n7i/>po/i>, is another convenient station f.)r travellers proceeding northwards by the Port Elizabeth railway, whose present inland terminus is ('olesborg, on the opposite side of the river. Fauresmit/i, lying due north of Philippolis, in the middle of an unproductive plain, derives some importance from the diamond mines, which at Jagersfoutein already produce an annual yield of about £50,000. At Jagersfontein was found the largest African diamond, a stone weighing uncut no less than 500 carats, but of very imperfect character. The Free State also possesses some carboniferous deposits, which occur chiefly in the western district of Kroomfad. In the northern part of the republic the largest centre of population is Harri- sniif/i, situated on one of the headstreams of the Vaal, near the Van-Reenen Pass, which leads over the Drakenberg down to the colony of Natal. Harrismith thus constitutes the natural eastern gate of the Free State, to which it gives convenient access from Durban by the railway, at present terminating at Ladysmith. On the long route leading thence to Bloemfontein the principal station is Winburg ( Wijn- buig), which lies in the most hilly part of the whole territory. Admimstkation. — Rp:vexue. The Orange Free State is governed by a single Chamber, the Volksraad, or •• National Assembly," composed of fifty-six members, that is one for each pro- vincial capital and one for each rural district {Vi'ld-hornetiJ or "field cornetcy "). It is elected for four years, bu*^ every two years one half of the members vacate their seats and fresh elections take place. During the session they receive remu- neration for their services at the rate of £1 per day. They choose their own president, while the president of the republic is elected by universal suffrage for five vears. The executive is vested in the President, assisted by an executive council of five members, that is, the Government secretary, the Landrost (Governor) of the capital, and three unofficial members appointed by the Volksraad, one every year, for three years. The electorate consists- of all whites born within the limits of the State, or who have resided three years, or who, after a residence of one year, comply with certain conditions as proprietors or leaseholders. Burghers (citizens) eighteen years old may vote for the veld-kornets (district judges), but not for members of the Volksraad or for the President of the Republic before they have completed tlieir twenty-first year. A landrost (governor or magistrate) appointed to each of the districts of the republic by the president, but requiring the confirmation of the Volksraad, takes cognisance of minor offences. Crimes of a graver character are remitted to a higher tribunal of three judges, who hold assizes in various districts of the State. There is no standing army beyond a small artillery corps stationed at the capital, but all able-bodied whites are bound to serve when called upon, and have also to meet twice a year for the militar}' exercises. The chief sources of revenue are the poll-tax, the tax on property transfers.

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