the neighbourhood the largest places are Saint-Leu and Saint-Cloud, the latter forming the intermediate station between Arzeu and Oran.
Oran, the Wahran or Guharan of the Arabs and Turks, is the first commercial mart in Algeria, and for a time rivalled Algiers itself in wealth and population. Founded at the beginning of the tenth century by the Andalusian Moors, it soon acquired importance, thanks to the neighbouring harbour of Mers-el-Kebir, or the "Great Port," sheltered by the Jebel Santon headland from the dangerous north and north-west winds. This harbour of refuge, the Portus Divinus of the Romans,
is encircled by steep cliffs, affording no space for a large town. Hence Oran lies at the extremity of the bay, where the hills disappear, leaving a wide opening landwards. From the strategic point of view this breach also offers great advantages, being defended by a natural fortress, adding greatly to the strength of the enclosures.
After a Spanish occupation of nearly three hundred years, Oran fell into the hands of the Turks in 1708. The Spaniards, returning in 1732, were not finally