soon he and the Bedawin woman were nothing but a little gray cloud of dust on the dim horizon.
In vain did Khassoum protest; they neither heard nor heeded his entreaties; black despair and sorrow and a great understanding came over him, and he heard the voice of Khizr, the mighty spirit, which whispered into his ear: "Seek on, thou son of Arab sires, and thou wilt yet learn wisdom. Thou hast learned one lesson to-day: Do not put all thy eggs into one basket, and if thou dost, give not the basket in keeping of a woman—her whom Allah has created without soul. Now go to the holy town and prostrate thyself at the feet of the wise kadee, Mohammed Ed-Din, and there thou shalt learn the lesson of justice and true wisdom. Seek on, Khassoum."
Wearily Khassoum continued his journey towards the holy town, and when he arrived here he went to the house of the kadee and told him what had happened to him.
Mohammed Ed-Din listened and said: "By the praised name of Hassan, the son of Ali—on whom be peace forever—justice shall be thine, and dire punishment the lot of those who dare to break the laws of the written word of the Koran. Did not