He even became an adept at cricket, and the very day on which he made a "century" at the Oval, he gave a tentative tug at the Sacred Thread which was the secret emblem of his caste, and had qualmy thoughts of the gentle Christ, a house in Hempstead, a subscription to the Winning Post, admission to the English Bar, a potential Q. C, and English-born children, a little dark-skinned perhaps, but with the blue eyes of the Master-Beast and a thorough command of Public School slang … the last particular dream due to Miss Agnes Couzens, who loved him and whom he loved.
At least that s what they both claimed. It may have been that it was only the mystery of the Orient in his eyes which captured her, and the mystery of the Occident in hers which captured him. But they were eager to jump over the barrier which the prejudices of a dozen centuries have erected between East and West.
Unfortunately the girl had a brother, Oughtred Couzens, who was cursed with a malignant form of youth. He was a very young man, temporarily domiciled at Christ Church, Oxford, and his three chief deities were High Church, High Toryism and Old Port. He was not a bad sort, but simply one