neighbourhood of Mombasa. In person they resemble the Makooa, being of the true negro race, black, stout, and ill-favoured. These men possessed no knowledge of the interior country or tribes, having early been engaged in a sea-faring life, but mentioned that to the south of them were found tribes of Galla. Their language appears scarcely to deserve the name of a distinct dialect, but is a kind of mixed jargon, nearly allied to the Monjou, spoken at the sea ports Mugadasho, Jubo, Lama, and Patta.
English. Father, |
Sowauli. Babbe-akoo. |
English. One, |
Sowauli. Che mō jé. |
The Sowauli are sometimes called Sowaiel by their northern
neighbours the Somauli; one of the latter, who said he knew but little of their language, gave me the few following words, which, though more corrupted, evidently form a part of the same language as the preceding.
English. Water,
Sowaiel. Mi. |
English. Sleep,
Sowaiel. Kul-la-le. |
Vocabulary of the Somauli Language.
The following Vocabulary was received from Summutter, a Somauli; it was confirmed at separate times by several other intelligent persons belonging to the same nation.
English. Father, |
Somauli. Ab-bai or Ilba á. |
English. A man, |
Somauli. Ningha. |