sidered as the second place of distinction. The one on his right hand being occupied by Kasimaj Yasous, a brother of the reigning Emperor. This prince was fairer than the generality of his countrymen, the features of his face were very regular and handsome, and he appeared to be extremely courteous in his manners. The Ras himself did not seem to have been much altered during my absence, and the pleasure which he evidently manifested at our meeting was exceedingly gratifying to the whole of our party. He inquired with great anxiety respecting my health, and declared, that he had always felt a kind of presentiment that he should see me once again before he died. After a few more compliments, customary on a first meeting, had been interchanged, a repast was set before us, which had been prepared for the occasion; and we were then conducted to a house fitted up for my reception, which had for some time before been inhabited by Mr. Pearce, and possessed better accommodations than are generally to be met with in an Abyssinian habitation. Here, feeling ourselves perfectly at home, we enjoyed a degree of comfort which the fatigues of our journey had not permitted us, for some time before, to partake of. Ayto Debib still continuing to attend me for the purpose of communicating my wishes to the Ras, and every other attention being enjoined to be paid me, that was shewn to the Ras himself.