to his views, I beg leave to express my very grateful acknowledgments, by dedicating this Volume to Your Royal Highness. Should it succeed in attracting your notice to the present forlorn and distracted state of Abyssinia, so far as to induce Your Royal Highness to promote the welfare of that country, by the introduction of useful arts together with a judicious advancement of the true tenets of the Christian Religion among its inhabitants, I shall feel that my exertions in this cause have not been in vain; and, in the meanwhile, as the best reward of my labours, shalt continue to look forward to the consolatory hope of witnessing the beneficial Changes which the bounty and wisdom of Your Royal Highness may effect in the condition of that remote Country.
I have the honour to be,
with profound veneration and respect,
most faithful and most dutiful servant,
London, July 9th, 1814.