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Rosenberg Library, Stockholm, legend of St. Catherine discovered in, 10

Rosenberg, Lords of, Bfezan's history of, 314 Rosenberg, Peter of —

Important part in Bohemian politics, 318

Love of literature, 298 Rubes, popular song of, 404 Rudolph II. grants " Letter of Ma"

to Protestants, 243 jesty Rukopis Kralodvorsky. (See Manuscript of Koniginhof. )

§AFAfeiK, Paul Joseph — Opinion of Manuscript of Koniginhof, 2 Sketch of career, 383 Staroiitnosti Slavanski (Slavic Antiquity), 386 Works on Slav langu^e and race, 383, 382, 387 St. Anselm, legend of, 17 St. Bridget, visions of, and Stitn^, 79 St. Catherine, account of her martyrdom, 10 St. Catherine, legends of, 10 St. Cyrillus as author of

pomiluj ny,"

St. Cyrillus introduces into Bohemia, 13 St. Dorothy, legend of,

Greek ritual

King, conduct towards



Hus, 109, Sixt of Ottersdorf — History of the Trmibled Years in Bohemia,


Political career, 303 Skala ze Zhore — Account of executions of Prague, 342

Chronology of the Church, 336; extracts from, 337, 339, 341

Historic Cirkevni (History of the Church),


Sketch of career, 335 Sladek, J. V., translations of English poets,


Slavata, William Count — Account of Count Thurn's banquet to Turkish embassy, 244, 348

Historicki Spisovani Works), 352


Pamety, 346 Sketch of life, 345

§lechta, John,

" ze Vsehrd"—

Microcosmus, 188 Sketch of, 187 Songs at Daybreak (Svitanicka), 25 translation of one, 26

Spencer, Henry, Bishop of Norwich, Flemish crusade opposed by



Stanislaus of Znaym, abandons Hus, 106


St. George, legend of, 17 St. Methodius as author of

pomiluj ny,"




" Gospodi


St. Methodius introduces Greek ritual into Bohemia, 13 St. Prokop, legend of, 12, 47 St. Venceslas, hymn to, 8 St. Vitus, legend of St. Dorothy in, Satires on Trades, 41


Sazava, monastery on, 13 Severus, Provost of Melnik, Chronicon Boemorun dedicated to, 44

Banished by Wenceslas, 108 "Stafi Letopisove Cesti," ancient Bohemian chroniclers, 171

Count Francis, protects Palacky, 390 Sternberg, Count Kaspar, President of Bohemian Museum, 390 Stitn;?, Thomas of — Sternberg,

General Christian Manners, contents of, 65 seqq. Precursor of Hus, employs native


language, 42, 57, 63, 74

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