and called out the name of Count Schlick. With them arrived four German priests, and when they had descended the steps, two Jesuits stood there, one of whom was called Sudetius. He said to the Count, ' Domine Comes recordare adhuc' But the Count answered ' sharply, Jam me facias missum.' " After him they called out the name of Venceslas of Budova. He took no clergyman with him. " Meanwhile Harant of Polzic sent for John the clergyman, asking him to come, as it would soon be his turn. . . . Then Lord Harant said, sighing, ' O my dear God, through how many lands have I travelled, how many dangers have I encountered, for how many days have I not seen bread ; once I have been buried in the sands. From all these perils God has rescued me, and now I must die guiltless in my own dear land. Forgive my Then they called out his enemies, O my dear Lord.' name, and he started for that mournful stage and slaughterhouse of Antichrist.^ " But this is worthy of notice, that when one of these holy men and martyrs for God's cause was called forth, then to our great astonishment a leave-taking occurred in a pleasant manner, which rejoiced our hearts, just as if they were preparing to go to a banquet or some ' Now, my dear friends, may our Lord God pastime. bless you, may He grant you the consolations of the Holy Ghost, patience and courage, so that you may be able to prove, now also in the moment of your death, that you have heartily and bravely defended the honour of God. I go before you that I may first see the glory of God, the glory of our beloved Redeemer, but I await you directly after me ; already in this hour earthly grief 1
The Altstadter Ring, where the executions took place.