Brother Lucas known now only by name but enumerated in Dr. Jirecek's list is an " Answer to the ten articles of
Master Jerome Dungesham ^ of Oxford, (written) against the apology of the Brethren published in 15 14." The first work of Lucas, was as already mentioned, his Barka or " Bark." This work too was believed to be lost, but within the last years Dr. Goll has discovered a MS. which contains this once celebrated work of Lucas. The allegorical name of the book is thus explained by the author. He tells us that in the first part of his work the bark signifies the Unity, and that it is his purpose to explain out of what planks it is constructed, what are its requirements, who is its captain and guide, and what is the destination of its course. In this first part of the work the captain is Jesus Christ. The second division of the book deals with " The Bark of Antichrist," with the foolish and misguided people who occupy and with the weighty reasons for flying from that bark, the course of which leads to perdition. Like so many Bohemian works of this period, the "Bark" treats mainly of Antichrist. interesting as being very similar, and in parts identical, with one of the ancient books of the Waldenses. undoubtedly throws some light on the obscure question of the relations between the Bohemian brethren and the older community. shall be able to Of the many other works of Lucas notice even briefly but very few. The two Professions of the Faith of the Unity, addressed to King Vladislav, and similar documents addressed to Erasmus and Luther, have been already mentioned. Very curious Lucas's work entitled The Revival of the Holy Church, and the certain that such a revival has reasons which render quote the name as given by Dr. JireiSek.