London. After two years' imprisonment, Gryffydh was killed by a fall, while attempting to escape, in the presence of his wife and son, who shared his captivity, 1244. This son afterwards became joint sovereign of Wales, with his brother.
Born at Grenoble, in 1642, was admitted to the academy of the Ricovrati at Padua, and acquired great celebrity by her learning. She also wrote poems in French and Latin; and it was said that all the best part of the operas of Quinault was her work. She died in 1692.
Sessi is a name well known in the annals of modern music, and celebrated among the vocalists of Italy. Of five sisters of this name, Marianne Sessi was the oldest. She was engaged, in 1793, at the opera seria of Vienna, went in 1804 to Italy, and then for a longer period to London. In 1817 and 1818, she visited the north of Germany, Leipzic, Dresden, Berlin, Hamburg, etc., and went finally from Copenhagen to Stockholm, where she remained. The second of the sisters, Imperatrice Sessi, has acquired the greatest reputation of all. Her talent was cultivated in Vienna. In 1804 she went to Venice, where, during the carnival, she enjoyed the highest triumph. She enchanted the audience so much, that sonnets of all colours and shapes were thrown on the stage; her likeness was handed around among the spectators; a bouquet in a richly decorated golden vase was presented to her; and at the close she was crowned with a wreath of laurel. She died in October, 1808, in her twenty-eighth year, of consumption, at Florence, deeply mourned by all lovers of music. The talent of her younger sister, Anna Maria Sessi, developed itself early. She was born at Rome, in 1798, but came to Vienna in the first year of her existence, where she modelled her art after that of her sisters. In Florence she devoted herself still more thoroughly to the cultivation of her voice; and here laid the foundation of a true Italian singer. In 1813, she was married at Vienna ; and on all her subsequent travels was welcomed everywhere as a rare phenomenon of song. It is said, that in the recitative she had no rival, even among the Italians.
The fourth and fifth of these sisters, Vittoria and Caroline, of whom the former was married in Vienna, and the latter in Naples, are less generally known. A cousin of the above-named sisters, Maria Theresa Sessi, was also noted for her talent in music.
Was the wife of Sir Alexander Seton, who was acting-governor of Berwick-upon-Tweed, at the time that important fortress was besieged by Edward the Third. The garrison, being reduced to a scarcity of provisions, proposed to surrender upon the terms that there should be an armistice of five days, and if in that interval the town and castle should not be relieved by two hundred men-at-arms, or by battle, they should be given up to Edward; the lives and property of the inhabitants to be protected. The eldest son of Sir Alexander Seton was one of the hostages delivered by