Queen of Prussia, daughter of Charles, Duke of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, was born at Hanover, where her father was commandant, March 10th., 1776. In 1793, she and her sister were presented at Frankfort to the King of Prussia. The prince-royal was struck with her beauty, and married her, December 24th., 1793. It was a union of mutual affection. Her husband became king, November 16th., 1797; and she fulfilled all the duties of this high station so admirably, as well as those of wife and mother, that she was almost worshipped by the people, as well as by her husband and those immediately around her. In 1806, when Prussia was suffering severely from the burdens of war, this good queen, by her solicitude for others, even while oppressed with heavy cares and sorrows of her own, was the theme of general praise. Her beauty, her grace, her benevolent and lofty character, attracted the hearts of all, and her goodness won the confidence of the nation. She died in 1810.
The wife of an architect of celebrity, was distinguished for her abilities in music. She composed an opera called "Fleur d'Epine," which was performed at the Italian Opera at Paris in 1776, and received much commendation from the musical critics. At the revolution, her husband being banished, she emigrated with him, and passed the remainder of her life in obscurity. She published several sonatas, ariettes, and some works of a scientific class upon music.
Was born at Paris in 1680. Graceful and intellectual, she was the ornament of both gay and literary society. She had a fine voice, and sang and played exquisitely. Several of her songs have been set to music by the most celebrated composers of her time. She lived unmarried, and died in 1712.
Is daughter of the Dean of Essex. In 1840, she published a volume entitled "Poems, chiefly Dramatic," in which she displays unusual powers of lofty and harmonious versification; it is evident that her studies and the bent of her mind have both led her to drink deep from the rugged but ever fresh and invigorating fountain of the ancient classics. Her style somewhat resembles Milton's.
Daughter of Paul Witterpool, was born in London in 1510. She was liberally educated, and excelled in all kinds of needle-work, writing, music, mathematics, and the languages. She was a religious woman, and died in 1537.
Lived at Sienna in 1601, and was of the same family as John Guidiccioni, one of the first Italian poets of the time. She was distinguished for her poetical taste and talents. Her writings were principally lyrics; but she also composed three pastorals to be set to music.