he may irritate Edgar, he does not stay long, and
retires discreetly.
Having finished his review of the stables, the carriage-houses, and the harness-rooms, and having given his orders in a tone of military command, Edgar gets into his automobile again, and starts rapidly for the Champs-Elysees, where at first he makes a short stop in a little bar-room, among race- track people, skunk-faced tipsters, who drop mysterious words into his ears, and show him con- fidential dispatches. The rest of the morning is devoted to visits to sundry trades-people, to give them new orders and receive commissions, and to horse-dealers, with whom such conversations as the following take place :
'•Well, Master Edgar? "
"Well, Master Poolny? "
â– -'I have a buyer for the baron's bays."
" They are not for sale."
• « Fifty pounds for you. ' '
' ' A hundred pounds. Master Edgar. ' '
" We will see. Master Poolny."
" That is not all. Master Edgar."
' ' What else. Master Poolny ? ' '
" I have two magnificent sorrels for the baron."
' ' We do not need them. ' '
' ' Fifty pounds for you. ' '