man. And
your lips ! your lips ! What have those lips been doing? "
He smilingly reassured her, with a slightly swaying motion of his body:
"No, indeed, I assure you, Nini, that's straight. Mamma had gone on an errand, — yes, truly."
Eugenie repeated several times :
" Oh ! you scamp, you scamp, I do not want you to be looking at other women. Your little phiz for me, your little mouth for me, your big eyes for me ! Say, do you really love me ? "
"Oh, yes, surely."
" Say it again."
"Oh! surely."
She leaped upon his neck, and, panting, led him into the adjoining room, stammering words of love.
"William said to me :
" How she holds him! And what a pile this little chap costs her ! Last week she gave him a complete new outfit. You would not love me like that."
This scene had stirred me deeply, and I promptly vowed a sister's friendship for the poor Eugenie. This boy resembled M. Xavier. At least there was a moral similarity between these two beings, — so pretty, though so rotten. And this reminder made me sad, — oh! infinit