"See, Celestine, thirty-five francs a month; the master's table; the master's room; a will; does that suit you ? Answer me. ' '
"We will see later. But, while waiting, take another. ' '
And I run away that I may not blow into his face the tempest of laughter that is roaring in my throat.
I have, then, only the embarrassment of choice. The captain or Joseph? To live as a servant- mistress, with all the contingencies that such a position involves, — that is, to remain still at the mercy of a stupid, coarse, changeable man, and dependent upon a thousand disagreeable circum- stances and a thousand prejudices; or else to marry, and thus acquire a sort of regular and re- spected liberty, in a situation free from the control of others, and liberated from the caprice of events ? Here at last a portion of my dream promises to be realized.
It is very evident that I should have liked a realization on a grander scale. But, when I think how few chances present themselves, in general, in the existence of a woman like me, I must congratu- late myself that something is coming to me at last other than this eternal and monotonous tossing back and forth from one house to another, from one bed to another, from one face to an