to describe something base and ignoble, cry
out in our presence, with a disgust that casts
us so violently outside the pale of humanity: "He
has the soul of a domestic; that is the sentiment of
a domestic." Then what do you expect us to
become in these hells? Do these mistresses really
imagine that I should not like to wear fine dresses,
ride in fine carriages, have a gay time with' lovers,
and have servants of my own? They talk to us of
devotion, of honesty, of fidelity. Why^ but it
would choke you to death, my little chippies !
Once, in the Rue Cambon . . . how many of these places I have had ! . . . the masters were marrying their daughter. They gave a grand re- ception in the evening, at which the wedding- presents were exhibited, — enough of them to fill a furniture-van. By way of jest I asked Baptiste, the valet de chambre :
" Well, Baptiste, and you? What is your present? "
" My present? " exclaimed Baptiste, with a shrug of his shoulders.
" Yes, tell me, what is it? " *
" A can of petroleum lighted under their bed. That is my present."
It was a smart answer. Moreover, this Baptiste was an astonishing man in politics.
" And yours, Celestine? " he asked, in his turn.