refusing to
have anything to do with us. What do you say to that, eh?"
" I say. Monsieur Xavier, that you have a queer way of treating the family."
' ' What do you expect, my dear ? I am an Anarchist, I am. I have supped on the family."
That morning Madame was even nicer than usual with me.
"I am well satisfied with your service," she said to me. " Mary, I raise your wages ten francs."
"If she raises me ten francs every time," thought I to myself, ' ' that will not be bad. It is more suitable."
Oh ! when I think of all that ! I, too, have supped on it.
M. Xavier's fancy did not last long; he had quickly " supped on me." Not for a moment, moreover, was I able to keep him in the house. Several times, on entering his room in the morning, I found the bed undisturbed and empty. M. Xavier had been out all night. The cook knew him well, and she had told the truth when she said : " He prefers to roam elsewhere." He pursued his old habits, and went in search of his customary pleasures, as before. On those mornings I felt a sudden pain in my heart, and all day long I was sad, sad!