Farfadetti, ' you who have given me everything,
you whose soul is so marvelously twin with mine,
you must give me something of yourself that I have
not yet had, and from the lack of which I am dy-
ing. ' ' Is it, then, my life that you ask? ' said
the painter; ' it is yours; you can take it.' ' No,
it is not your life ; it is more than your life ; it is
your wife! ' ' Botticellina ! ' cried the poet.
' Yes, Botticellina; Botticellinetta ; flesh of your
flesh, the soul of your soul, the dream of your
dream, the magic sleep of your sorrows ! ' ' Botti-
cellina! Alas! Alas! It was to be. You have
drowned yourself in her, she has drowned herself in
you, as in a bottomless lake, beneath the light of
the moon. Alas! Alas! It was to be.' Two tears,
phosphorescent in the penumbra, rolled from the
eyes of the painter. The poet answered: ' Listen
to me, oh! my friend! I love Botticellina, and
Botticellina loves me, and we shall both die of lov-
ing one another, and of not daring to tell one
another, and of not daring to unite. She and I are
two fragments, long ago separated, of one and the
same living being, which for perhaps two thousand
years have been seeking and calling one another,
and which meet at last to-day. Oh ! my dear
Pinggleton, unknown life has these strange, terri-
ble, and delicious fatalities. Was there ever a
more splendid poem than that which we are living
to-night? ' But the painter kept on repeating, in a