in a tent, and a meteor went right through tent and monk and bed below him, and buried itself deep in the ground. But that is the only case I ever heard of where any one has been struck in this way, because meteors are very rare. Mr. Gregory has been kind enough to lend us his wonderful collection for you to look at, and I hope you will look carefully at them after the lecture.
Before a meteor enters our air it is travelling
The Gross Divina Meteorite.
through the terribly cold regions of space, and is chilled to its marrow. When it rushes into our air it becomes heated as we have said; but it travels so quickly that it comes right through the air in a few seconds, and though the outside gets very hot, there is not time for the heat to get inside. The inside remains just as cold as it was before, and only a thin coating near the surface is heated. When the meteor comes to rest in the ground, the heat of the crust is soon overcome by the bitter cold of the inside; and in a very few minutes the crust which was so hot as to be shining brightly is so cold that hoar