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to inflict. The danger was desperate, but the occasion was desperate also.

The nobly difinterefted condudfc of her brother, ftruck Julia with gratitude and admiration ; but defpair of fuccefs, made her now hefitate whether fhe fhould accept his offer. She confidered that his generofity would moft probably involve him in definition with herfelf and fhe paufed in deep deliberation, when Ferdinand informed her of a cir- cumftance which,, till now, he had pur-, pofely concealed, and which at once dif- folved every doubt and every fear. '* Hippolitus," faid Ferdinand, " yet lives." " Lives !" repeated Julia faintly, — " lives ! Oh ! tell me where — how." — Her breath refufed to aid her, and fhe funk in her chair, overcome with the ftrong and various fenfations that preffed upon her heart. Ferdinand, whom the grate with- held from affifting her, ob- ferved her fituation in extreme diftrefs. When fhe recovered, he informed her that

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