them at once, seeing bow great Maggie's reward had been.
"I did n't mean to be silly; but I wanted you to know that I had n't been idle all winter, and that, though I have n't much to tell, I'm quite satisfied with my chore," she said, looking up with smiles shining through the tears till her face resembled a rose in a sun-shower.
"Many daughters have done well, but thou excellest them all," answered Anna, with a kiss that completed her satisfaction.
"Now, as it is after our usual time, and we must break up," continued the President, producing a basket of flowers from its hiding-place, "I will merely say that I think we have all learned a good deal, and will be able to work better next winter; for I am sure we shall want to try again, it adds so much sweetness to our own lives to put even a little comfort into the hard lives of the poor. As a farewell token, I sent for some real Plymouth mayflowers, and here they are, a posy apiece, with my love and many thanks for your help in carrying out my plan so beautifully."
So the nosegays were bestowed, the last lively chat enjoyed, new plans suggested, and good-byes said; then the club separated, each member going gayly away with the rosy flowers on her bosom, and in it a clearer knowledge of the sad side of life, a fresh desire to see and help still more, and a sweet satisfaction in the thought that each had done what she could.