Jean Ingelows Prose Story Books.
In 5 vols., IGmo, uniformly bound. STUDIES FOR STORIES FROM GIRLS LIVES. Illus trated. Price $1.25- " A rare source of delight for all who can find pleasure in really pood -works of prose fiction. . . . They are prose poems, carefully meditated, and exquisitely touched in by a teacher ready to sympathize with every joy and sorrow. 1 Athenceum. STORIES TOLD TO A CHILD. Illustrated. Price $1.25. STORIES TOLD TO A CHILD. Second Series. Illus trated. Price $1.25. "This is one of the most charming juvenile books ever laid on our table. Jean Ingelow, the noble English poet, second only to Mrs. Browning, bends easily and gracefully from the heights of thought and fine imaginative. ;o commune with the minds and hearts of children; to sympathize wich their little joys and sorrows ; to feel for their temptations. She is a safe guide for the little pilgnuis ; for her paths, though paths of pleasantness, lead straight upward." Grace Greenwood, in "2 lie Little Pilgrim. 1 A SISTER S BYE-HOURS. Illustrated. Price $1.25. " Seven short stories of domestic life by one of the most popular of the young authors of the day, an author who has her heart in what she writes, Jean Ingelow. And there is heart in these stories, and healthy moral lessons, too They are written in the author s most graceful and affecting style, will be read with real pleasure, and when read will leave more than momentary impressions * Brooklyn Union. MOPSA THE FAIRY. A Story. With Eight Illustrations Price $1.25. " Miss Ingelow is, to our mind, the most charming of all living writers ;c. , children, and Mopsa alone oug .it t > give her a kind of pre-emptive right to tht love and gratitude of our young folks. It requires genius to conceive a purely imaginary work which must of necessity detil with the supernatural, without- running into a mere riot of fantastic absurdity , but genius Miss Ingelow has and the story of Jack is as careless and jovoiis, but as delicate, as a picture o . childhood. " The young people should be grateful to Jean Ingelow and those other aobi* writers, who, in our day, have taken upon themselves the task of supplying -.hen with literature, if for no other reason, that these writers have saved then; *ron the ineifahle didacticism which, till within the list few years, was consider** 4 -tv ouly food fit for the youthful mind " Eclectic. Sold everywhere. Mailed, post-paid, by the Publishers, ROBERTS BROTHERS, BOSTON