traits of great grandfathers and grandmothers simpering and staring at her, as if pleased and surprised to see such a charming little descendant among them.
"Bless the baby! what is she at now?" asked Miss Henny, feeling more amiable after her sleep.
"I'm reading to Cousin Penny, cause no one else does, and her poor eyes hurt her, and she likes stories, and so do I," answered Button, with one chubby finger on the place in her book, and eyes full of pride at the grown-up employment she had found for herself.
"So kind of the little dear! She found me alone and wanted to amuse me; so I proposed a story to suit us both, and she does very well with a little help now and then. I haven't read 'Simple Susan' for years, and really enjoy it. Maria Edgeworth was always a favorite of mine, and I still think her far superior to any modern writer for the young," said Miss Penny, looking quite animated and happy in the new entertainment provided for her.
"Go on, child; let me hear how well you can read;" and Miss Henny settled herself in the sofa-corner with her embroidery.
So Button started bravely off, and tried so hard that she was soon out of breath. As she paused, she said with a gasp,—
"Isn't Susan a dear girl? She gives all the best things to other people, and is kind to the old harper. She didn't send him away, as you did the music-man to-day, and tell him to be still."
"Organs are a nuisance, and I never allow them here. Go on, and don't criticise your elders, Rosamond."