Francis I. and his sister Margaret to chops and English ale.
Ethel came prancing back to her own party, full of praises of the Sibleys, and the fun they meant to have together.
"They are going to the Langham; so we shall be able to go about with them, and they know all the best shops, and some lords and ladies, and expect to be in Paris when we are, and that will be a great help with our dresses and things."
"But we are not going to shop and have new dresses till we are on our way home, you know. Now we have n't time for such things, and can't trouble the Homers with more trunks," answered Jenny, as they followed their elders to the table.
"I shall buy what I like, and have ten trunks if it suits me. I'm not going to poke round over old books and ruins, and live in a travelling-dress all the time. You can do as you like; it's different with me, and I know what is proper."
With which naughty speech Ethel took her seat first at the table, and began to nod and smile at the Sibleys opposite. Jenny set her lips and made no answer, but ate her lunch with what appetite she could, trying to forget her troubles in listening to the chat going on around her.
All that afternoon Ethel left her to herself, and enjoyed the more congenial society of the new acquaintances. Jenny was tired, and glad to read and dream in the comfortable seat Mrs. Homer left her when she went for her nap.