by the soft becoming colors of her dress, the late danger, and the dreams that still lingered in her mind, making it hard to feel that she was the same girl who went that way only a day ago.
Presently the Captain spoke again in a tone that was both eager and anxious,—
"I'm glad my idle summer has n't been quite wasted. It's over now, and I'm off in a few days for a year's cruise, you know."
"Yes, Miss Mary told me you were going soon. I'll miss you both, but maybe you'll come next year?"
"I will, please God!"
"So will I; for even if I get away this fall, I'd love to come again in summer and rest a little while, no matter what I find to do."
"Come and stay with Aunt Mary if this home is gone. I shall want Sammy next time. I've settled that with the Skipper, you know, and I'll take good care of the little chap. He's not much younger than I was when I shipped for my first voyage. You'll let him go?"
"Anywhere with you. He's set his heart on being a sailor, and Grandpa likes it. All our men are, and I'd be one if I were a boy. I love the sea so, I could n't be happy long away from it."
"Even though it nearly drowned you?"
"Yes, I'd rather die that way than any other. But it was my fault; I should n't have failed if I had n't been so tired. I've often swum farther; but I'd been three hours in the marsh getting those things for the girls, and it was washing-day, and I'd been up nearly