A Chinese Biographical Dictionary 973
and whose Memorials on public afiairs attracted much attention. His undoubted ability was marred by a fondness for boasting. He was slain by the Heir Apparent, for whom he acted as Master of the Horse , while vainly trying to keep him from assassinating the Emperor W6n Ti. Canonised as J^ ^ .
Tllan Tan tC i^ (T. ff 71* )• 7th and 8th cent. A.D. A native 2565 of *j^ ^J Ch'ang-shan in Chehkiang, who graduated as chin shih and distinguished himself by his scholarship, attracting the notice of Ti Jen-chieh. For his |^ ^ Annals of the House of Toba he received the ofiPer of a provincial Governorship, but excused himself on the ground that he was a mere student. His disinclination for legal studies also prevented him from accepting a post in the Grand Ciourt of Revision. He accordingly became tutor to the Heir Apparent and was ennobled as Duke. He assisted the Emperor Ming Huang in editing the Classic of Filial Piety and aided in preparing the dynastic annals, dying at the age of 77. He is better known by his style, as Yiian Hsing-ch^ung.
Tilan Te-hsiu Jt^^ (T. ^ ^ ). Died A.D. 754. A native 2566 of Honan, whose father died when he was a child. Devoted to his mother he would not leave her even to compete for his degree, but carried her with him to the capital on his back. He refused to marry while his mother^ was alive; and when his brother*s wife died and there were no funds to provide a wet-nurse for her baby boy, he took the child and suckled it himself until it was able to swallow artificial food. After graduating as chin shih and filling some minor posts, he became magistrate &t i^ ^J Lu-shan in Honan. He was much loved by the people for his simple habits. He had no walls around his property, and used no bolts nor keys. In a time of famine, he would go whole days without eating, solacing himself by playing on his lute. At his death he left nothing behind him
but his wooden pillow, his sandals, a bamboo basket, and a gourd.