972 A Chinese Biographical Dictionary
in fevour of the second. The family was finally exterminated hj Ts'ao Ts'ao. See Chang Jang.
2562 Yuan Shih-k'ai ^ ift |!L (T. ^4^). From A.D. 1884 anta 1893 Chinese Resident at S5al, where he gained acme distinction by his energetic action during the disturbances which occurred. He was then placed at the head of the Tientsin foreign-drilled force, and in 1894 was appointed Chief of the Military Secretariat in Manchnrii. After the war with Japan, he lived in retirement in Honan untQ 1895, when he was again sent to Tientsin and appointed Civil Com- mandant of the forces organised under German drill-instructors.
2563 Yuan Shu ^^ (T. ^ ^). Died A.D. 199. Younger brother of TQan Shao. In his youth he gained a reputation by his bold spirit, aud after graduating as fmao lien was appointed to high military command by Tung Cho. Fearing however for his life he fled and was joined by Sun Chien, who had just slain the Grovernor of Nan-yang; and through the influence of Liu Piao he was appointed to this post. Then began a series of political intrigues with his brother, which ended in a rupture between them. Mean- while his administration went from bad to worse. Robbery and corruption prevailed, and the people suffered severely. In 197 he threw ofi^ his allegiance, and dispatched an envoy to La Pu asking for the latter*8 daughter in marriage for his son.Lii Pu seized the envoy, whereupon Yiian Shu sent troops to chastise him. At this, Ts^ao Ts'ao took the field against him, and Tfian Shu found him- self unable to resist. He abdicated in favour of his brother Shao, and attempted to flee northwards, but he was intercepted by Lin Pei acting under Ts'ao Ts'ao's orders. Flinging himself upon a couch, he cried out in despair, *'Have I come to this pass?" and forthwith broke a blood-vessel and died.
8564 Ytlan Shu ^^ (T. HiH). A.D. 408-453. A native of
^ W Yang-hsia in Honau, who held various important o£Bce6