A Chinese Biographical Dictionary 969
the Empress came back to power; and three years later, finding that her son was growing impatient under restraint, she cansed him to be poisoned, and set np ^ij Chao, the three-year-old Prince of ^ ^|c Lin-t'ao, together with whom she was shortly afterwards drowned. Canonised as ^ ^ :^ V^ ^ .
Ttkan K*0 yt t&- ^^^ ^'^' 515. Son of Yflan Hong-yen, 2554 whom he succeeded in 499 as seventh Emperor of the Northern Wei dynasty. He was a mere youth when he came to the throne, and left all power to favourites , especially to his father-in-law ^ M^ Eao Chao, who abused his confidence. Famines and floods marked his reign, notwithstanding which his military operations were successful and learning flourished. He patronised Buddhism, and there were no less than 18,000 temples within the boundaries of his empire. Canonised as "jU^ ^ ^ "^ ^ .
Yllan Ku ^ ^ . 2nd and 8rd cent. B.C. A native of modern 2555 Shantung, whose edition of the Odes, now lost, brought him to the notice of the Emperor Cbing Ti. The Empress Dowager was very fond of the alleged writings of Lao Tzti, and consulted him on the subject. ^^How can your Majesty like such stuff as that?'* cried TQan Eu; whereupon the Empress Dowager was extremely angry, and ordered him to be put into a sty and lashed to a pig. The Emperor disapproved and secretly supplied Tiian Eu with a knife with which he struck t^e pig to the heart, to the great conster- nation of the Empress Dowager. He was subsequently raised to an honourable post, and lived to over 90 years of age. Yllan Kung ^ 3^ (T. ^ ^. H. :g!p^). A.D. 1885-1410. 2556 A famous physiognomist, whose work on the science, ^0 jj^ ^ , is still widely read. See Liu Chuang.
Yllan Mei ^ ;^ (T. -^:^. H. H ^). A.D. 1715-1797. 2557
A native of Ch^ien-t^ang in Chehkiang, wtio at the age of nine
was inspired with a great love for poetry and soon became an