A Chinese Biographical Dictionary 967
and fine clothes to air, as is customary on that day; whereupon' YQan Hsien on his side forked up a pair of the short breeches, called calf-nose drawers, worn by the common coolies, explaining to a friend that he was a ?ictim to the tyranny of custom. He was a fine performer on the guitar, and understood the theory of music. He found fiault with HsQn GbQ's arrangement of the octaye, declaring that the inter?als were incorrect; for which Hsiin HsiQ ayenged himself by getting Tiian Hsien sent away as Gorernor of. f^ ^ Shih-p4ng in Shensi. The discovery shortly afterwards of the measurements of the Chou dynasty showed that Yiian Hsien was right, the length of each of Hsiin HsiQ's pitch-pipes being out by a millet-grain.
YtUtn Hsiu tc ^j^*. Died A.D. 534. A grandson of Yiian TzQ-yu, 2549 set upon the throne in 582 as tenth Emperor of the Northern Wei dynasty by Eao Huan, who had vanquished the |@ ^ ^ Erh Ghu-jung party and had poisoned their puppet sovereign. In 534 Yii-w§n T'ai, Governor of Yung-chou in modern Shensi, persuaded the Emperor to move to Ch'ang-an; whereupon Eao Huan rebelled, and established the Eastern Wei dynasty. Yflan Hsiu was soon poisoned by YQ-wdn T'ai, who then set up Yflan Pao-chii as first sovereign of the Western Wei dynasty. Canonised as :^ ;^ ^ .
YtLan Hung ^ P| C^- M W)* ^^^ ^®^^- ^-^- ^ recluse, 2550
who in his youth had practised mortification of the body, and on his father's death nearly killed himself by the hardships he under- went alongside of the grave. He firmly declined to take office, and in 166, when associations of friends began to give trouble to the government, he shut himself up in a mud hut where he remained without seeing any one for 18 years. His sons used to come and bow to him through the closed door.
TaanHung ^^ (T. ^^fl). A.D. 328-376. A scholar 2551
and official under the Chin dynasty. He was left an orphan in