A Chinese Biographical Dictionary 963
was sncceeded by his son, known in history as ^ ^, who after abont a year of cruelty and debauchery abdicated in favour of his own son; and the latter, known in history as ^ ^, resigned the throne in 581 to Yang Chien, founder of the Sni dynasty. Yt[-w6n Tung was canonised as ^g J|fl ^ ^ .
Yti Ttln-wen j^ ^ ^ (T. t^'i'). A.D. 1110-1174. A 2640
native of ^ ^ Jen-shou in Sstich^uan, who graduated as chin shih in 1153 and entered the public service. As long as Ch'in Euei was alive no Sstich^uan man had much chance of advancement, but after his death Ytl received a post in the Imperial Library, from which he was transferred to the 'Board of Rites. There he wamod the Emperor that the Chin^ Tartars were about to violate their treaty, and recommended a general council to concert measures of defence. In 1160 he took the field and inflicted a severe defeat upon the enemy at Ts'ai-shih in Anhui, after which he managed to hold them in check until, .under the Emperor Hsiao Tsung, his advice was set aside and a new policy adopted. He became President of the Board of War, and finally Viceroy of Sstich'uan. Ennobled as Duke, and canonised as J^ ^.
Ytlan An ^ ^ (T. gp ^ ). Died A.D. 92. A native of Ju- 2541 yang in Honan. In A.D. 71 he became Governor of ^ ^ Gh'u- ch^n, and signalised his entry into office by releasing some four hundred innocent persons who had been imprisoned the year before on account of the treason of ^ Mo, Prince of Gh'u. From 72 to 83 he was Governor of Honau ; and in 85, as Governor of ji^ ^ Wu-wei in Eansuh, he succeeded in keeping at peace with the aboriginal tribes. Rising to high office he led the opposition against Tou Hsien, brother to the Empress, but his wise counsels were set aside for those of the eunuch Gh§ng Chung. Ytlan Chan glc 5i (T.. ^ M )• 3rd and 4th cent. A.D. A great- 2642
nephew of YtUku Chi. He was exceedingly pure and simple-minded,