A Chinese Biographical Dictionary
186 Chao T'ing-ch'ên 趙廷臣 (T. 君鄰). Died A.D. 1669. A Chinese Bannerman, who was sent in 1645 to Shan-yang in Kiangsu as Magistrate, and afterwards distinguished himself as Prefect of Nanking. Dismissed for dilatoriness in the collection of taxes, in 1653 he was made Taot'ai in Hunan, where he set his face against the giving and receiving of presents. In 1658 he became Governor of the newly-settled province of Kueichou, and Viceroy of Yün-Kuei in 1659, where he introduced education of the native chieftains and reclamation of waste lands. Transferred in 1662 to Chehkiang, he simplified taxation and reformed the military and naval administrations, and stamped out the last efforts of the adherents of the Mings. He also issued a much needed cash coinage. Many stories are told of his acumen as a judge. Canonised as 清獻. 187
Chao T'o 趙佗. Died B.C. 137. A general in the service of the First Emperor. In B.C. 215 he was appointed to a command under Jen Hsiao, and co-operated with him in the reduction of