A Chinese Biographical Dictionary 957
Governor of Wu-ta in Shensi. Being besieged in that city by an overwhelming force, he adopted the following well-known stage device. He caused his army to file out of the eastern gate and return by the western gate, where they rapidly effected a change of clothes, and continuing to pass out by the eastern gate produced the effect of a large army. The enemy drew off, and with the aid of an ambush were subsequently defeated with great slaughter. He afterwards rose to high office, but in 126 he got into trouble with the eunuch ^ ^ Chang Fang, whose corrupt practices he opposed; and at length he 'presented himself at Court in chains, saying that he could no longer serve with such a colleague. The -latter went. in tears to the Emperor, and Y^ Hsfl was dismissed, but on the petition of friends he was shortly afterwards re-instated. Ytl Huang Shang Ti 3S ^ Jl 1^. The chief member of the 2523 Trinity of modern Taoism (see Lao TzU and Lin Ling-'Su). He was originally a magician, named Chang, who raced another magician, named Liu, up to heaven, both mounted on dragons, and won. Sometimes spoken of as ^ ^ ^ .
Ytl I j^ p (T. fl ^). Died A.U 345. Brother to Tfl Liang, 2524 who employed him, though not an official, to lead a body of men armed with, stones against the rebel Su Ch^n. Upon the defeat which ensued, the two fled together. He subsequently rose to high military command under the Emperor E^ang Ti. He gained some reputation as a calligraphist, although contemporary with the famous Wang Hsi-chih, and was very angry because the latter's style was preferred to his own, declaring that the chicken was neglected for the duck. Canonised as Ytl Jang H^ ^. 5th and 6th cent. B.C. A man of the Chin State, 2525 in the service of Earl :^ Chih. When Viscount |^ Hsiang of the Chao State slew his master, and having lacquered his skull
used it as a goblet, Yil Jang vowed revenge. Changing his name,