956 A Chinese Biographical Dictionary
to serre under Son Ch'flaD, bat offended him both by hu or«- - free remonstraocefl and by his drunken habits; and on one occasion, when tipsy, he was so offensive that Son Ch'Qan laid bis hand on Bii aword and but for the interposition of ff^ £ Lis Cbi would have slain him on the spot. Abont 223 be was banished to ^ C3iiao- ebon in modern Eoangtong, and there he remained nntil bis death, occapying himself chiefly with literary pumdts. Beside* classical commeDtaries , be wrote the ^ -^ ^ ^ Commandmmtt of Lao TzU, and published an edition of the Canon of FUuU PUty.
2519 Ta Haiao-k'o ^5 H ^ (T. # # and -^ ^). A man of the people, who lived at the close of tiie 18th cent. A.D., and devoted his life to study. His field of work covered the Glassies, Buddhism, Taoism, and ancient records generally. At length bis sight failed , and be was compelled to pass a whole year in a dark room. He visited Peking and became acquainted with the leading scholars of the day. Later on, when he bad altc^ther losthis sight, he gained his living by oral teaching. He was a volamiaoos writer on the Classics and on history.
2520 YtL Hsin ^ ^ (T. ^ \U)- 6^^ <»°^ A.D. A native of Hsio- yeh in Honan. Author of the ^:^ ^. much admired by Tn Fa, who speaks of his poetry as "pare and freeb." He held a hi^ military appointmeut as commander of cavalry.
2521 Yil Hsiung ^ ^ . 13th cent. B.C. A phUoaopber who aourished under Wfin Wang , and is said to have written a work on government, now known as |S -^ -
2522 Ttl Hsa j^^ (T. ^^). Died A.D. 136. A native ofWo- p ing in Honan, noted in youth for his devotion towards his grasd- mother. In 110 he distinguished himself by his spirited advice fbi opposing the Tibetan tribes, who were then causing much trouble, and ere long he became Magistrate at ^ ^ Choo-ko. There be
dealt moat successfully with the enemy, and was transferred to b«