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948 A Chinese Biographical Dictionaryofficial within his territorj, and fled to TOan Sheo who readily

gave him an appointment. He devoted himaelf chiefly to r^nlatiiig popnlar manners and customs, arranging Uie ceremonial of Goort fuDctioDs, and fixing the grades* of official rank. Aothor of tlie J9L "^ ifi ^ • '" which he treats of the aboTe sabjects. Ying Tsnng. See (Sung) Chao Shn; (Ming) Chn Ch'i-oben.

3499 Ying Yang j§ ^ (T. ^^). Died A.D. 236. A natire of Jn-nau , who distinguished himself as a poet and became a Hinistar auder Ts'ao Ts'ao. His adTancemeat in life had been checked hj the rebellion of Tung Cho, a theme which he dwelt upon in Ui poem entitled ^ ^, which may be interpreted as "regret Huts Bucephalus should stand idle." See H»ii Kan. Ying-yang Wang. See Lin I-fa.

2500 To Chung-ch'i ^ ^ ^ iT. J^ ||. H. ^ ^). A.D. 168fi- 1754. A native of {^ ^^ Lin-t'ao in Kanstth, who was a aoldiflr from his early youth. In 1719—20 he distiugoisbed himself in tlu expedition into Tibet, and ft^m that time to 1732 was almost always engaged in warfare, first as Commander-io-cbief in Ssfich'san and in Eansnb, and later ou as Viceroy of the two western pronnesi. In 1724 be was ennobled as Duke for his expedition to Toikestas, on which occasion he penetrated as iar as the ^|^ ||^ Sang-lo Ses. In 1732 he was stripped of his rank and sentenced to death for nif- management, and was actually imprisoned until 1737, when he retired and lived the life of a country gentleman nearCh'ftng-tn in Ssfich'naa. A serious rising in Ghin-ch'uan in 1748 led to his re-appointment as Commander-iu-chief in SsQcb'uan, and on its suppceasion h> received many marks of favour, his portrait being painted hj > foreign artist at the Court of Ch'ien Lung. After three mon years of border warfare, he died while on his way to fight tM rebels of ^ |^ TieD-chiang in SsQch'uan. Author of two eollee-

tions of songs, entitled H |3 ^ ^nd ^ B^ ^ ■ CanoDiied

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