A Chinese Biographical Dictionary 939
them with him, making suggestions for improvement. Bat in the collapse of the Soi dynasty he lost his post, and was forced to return to Ch^ang-an and support himself by teaching. He received however a fresh 'appointment under the first Emperor of the T^ang dynasty, and under the second was promoted to high office and ennobled as Baron. He was then employed upon a recension of the Classics, and also upon a new and annotated edition of the Bistory of the Han Dynasty, for which purpose he was installq^ as keeper of the Imperial Library; but his exegesis in the former case caused dissatisfaction, and he was ordered to a provincial post. Although nominally re-instated before this degradation took effect, his ambition was so far wounded that he ceased to be the same man. He lived henceforth a retired and simple life, his patent of nobility being raised to Viscount. In 645 he accompanied a military expedition against the Liao Tartars, and died on the road. Canonised as Ten Shu ^^ (T. ^ ;fe). A.D. 984-1046. A native of Un- 2478 ch'uan in Kiangsi, who at seven years of age was already able to compose. In 1004 he was reported to the Throne as a '^Divine Boy," and his Majesty caused him to compete against over a thousand chin ahUi. He came out of the ordeal triumphantiy, and received an honorary degree. After a somewhat chequered career in the public service he died as President of the Board of War and Grand Secretary. Author of some fine poetry. Canonised as jQ j^ • Ten Shu Tzti ^tJ^^. 4th cent. B.C. A man of the Lu 2474 State, who lived alone. One night, a neighbour's house was blown down, and a girl took refuge with him. Accordingly he sat up until dawn, holding a lighted candle in his hand. Ten Sung H ^ (T. ^^^ Died A.D. 1568. A native of 2476 ^ *M. ^^T^'^ in Kiangsi, who graduated as chin shih in 1505 and rose by 1528 to be President of the Boards of Rites and Civil
Office at Nanking. He quarrelled with Hsia Yen over the revision