938 A Chinese Biographical Dictionary
in A.D. 25, he sent to summon Yen Enang to Oonrt; bat Yen Enang preferred a life in the country, devoted to fishing and agrienltore. On one occasion when the old friends* met, the Emperor insuted on their sleeping together; and during the night Yen Euang pot his foot on his Majesty's stomach. Next morning the Grand ABtrolqgw reported that a strange star had been seen occupying the Imperial place; at which the Emperor laughed and said, It's only my old friend Yen Tzti-ling, with whom I was sleeping last night."
8469 Yen Li-pen ^ jl $ • '^^ <^^^* ^•^- ^ native of Ch'ang-an, who rose to be President of the Board of Works. He is chiefly known as a painter, having been employed by the second Emperor of the T^ang dynasty to paint the portraits of the eighteen scholan who founded the college popularly known as j^ |^ Abode of tlie Blest. Canonised <» 3^^ J^ *
8470 Yen Po H "fj^ - Son of the legendary Emperor known as ^ ^ ^ Eao Hsin Shih, B.C. 2486, and Minister of Fire under the Emperor Yao.
8471 Yen Shih ^ 0$ • 1^^ <^Q^- ^'^' ^^ artificer who was presented to Mu Waug of the Chou dynasty when that Prince was on a tour of inspection, and offered to give an exhibition of his skill. Od the following day he arrived, followed by an automaton which could sing and dance. During the performance the automaton began to wink at the ladies of the harem, whereupon Mu Wang would have put Yen Shih to death; but the latter immediately cut open the figure, and showed that it was made of nothing but wood, paint, etc
2472 Yen Shih-ku ]§H gij ^ (T. fg). A.D. 579-645. A native of Wan-nien in Shensi, who distinguished himself in early youth by
his devotion to books, and on the recommendation of ^^ j||| Li Eaog received an appointment in the public service. His compositions soon attracted the notice of Hsieh Tao-h6ng, who had been a friend
of his grandfather. Yen Chih-t'ui; and the former used to go over