936 A Chinese Biographical Dictionary
flower (signifying rule) which was to be her son. Shortly afterwardi the Duke himself gave her such a flower, and she bore him a child who became Duke ^ Mu and was named ^ Epidendrnm from the circumstance.
2463 Ten Chih-fui M^^ (T- ^) A.D. 531—595. A natiye of Lin-i in Shantung, who rose to high office under the first Emperor of the Northern Gh4 dynasty and continued in acti?e service until the early years of the Sui dynasty. He published a collection of essays, a work on the education of a family entitled ||^ ^ ^ ^ , and also the ^ ^ and the ^ "^ ^ ^ i two philological treatises, besides aiding Lu Fa-yen in the preparation of his great work.
2464 Yen Chlng-ming ^ $[; ^. A.D. 1816-1892. A native of the
^ Ohao District in Shensi, who graduated as chin shih in 1851 and entered the Han-lin College. He rose to be Governor of Shantung, and in 1877 was appointed Imperial Commissioner to visit the famine-stricken districts of Shansi. In 1882 he became President of the Board of Revenue, and exposed the scandalous jobbery connected with the supply of copper from Ytlnnan. Two years later he joined the Tsung-li Yam^n, and in January 1886 he was appointed Grand Secretary. His health breaking down he was forced to retire in 1888, receiving the title of Junior Guardian of the Heir Apparent. 2466 Ten Hut ^0 (T. ^ j)^ ). B.C. 514 - 483. The favourite disciple of Confucius, and the son pf ^ ^ ^^ Yen Wu-yu who had also sat under the Master. He used to listen with what appeared to be stolid indiflference to the teachings of Confucius, but then he would go away and strive to put into practice the principles he had learnt. The historian, Ssti-ma Ch4eu, attributes his splendid reputation chiefly to his close connection with the Sage, likening him quaintly to a fly which travels far and fast by clinging to the tail of a courser. At twenty-nine his hair turned grey. Under the
T^ang dynasty he was ennobled as ^ ^ ^ , and in 1330 he