A Chines Biographical Dictionary 931
and coann once removed to Teh-lii Kong, whom he succeeded in 968 as fifth Emperor of the liao dynasty. In 974 he sent a mission of congratulation to the House of Sung, bnt in 979 and 980 armed raids were made upon the Sang territory. Canonised as ^ ^i^ . Yeh-m Hung-ohi ^ # ^^ fi. Died A.D. 1101. Son of Yeh-M 3449 Tsnng-ch^n, whom he succeeded in 1055 as eighth Emperor of the liiao dynasty. He cultivated friendship with the House of Sung, and received a portrait of the Emperor Jen Tsung. In 1066 the dynastic style of Liao was resumed (see {Yeh-lH Lung-htil). Canonised
Teh-m Eung ^^ff . Died A.D. 968. Son of Teh-m Tft- 2450 knang and cousin to Yeh-lfl Ytlan, whom he succeeded in 951 as fourth Emperor of the Liao dynasty. He was killed, while drunk, by his cook. Canonised as 1^ ^.
Teh-m Lung-hsti ^ ^ j^ )^. A.D. 972-1031. Son of Yeh-M 2451 Hsien, whom he succeeded in 983 as sixth Emperor of the Liao dynasty. Being only 12 at his accession he left the government in the hands of his mother, who restored the term "Satan** as the dynastic title and by an unsuccessfid raid into Sung territory loet some 30,000 tents. In 986 Ts'ao Pin invaded the Liao country, bnt pushed on too far from his base and was severely beaten. The war continued with varying success until 1005, when trading marts were opened and a subsidy promised by the Sung Emperor. In
1008 the young Emperor canonised his five predecessors, and in
1009 he took over the reins of government from his mother, who died a month afterwards. He was a weak monarch, and in 1012 lost half his army in an attack upon northern Korea. Canonised
Teh-m Ta-Shih ^ # A 5 ^^ Teh-ltl M ff (T- S I5i)- 2«2
A.D. 1098 — 1135. A member of the Imperial family of the Liao
dynasty. He graduated in 1114, and is sometimes called Yeh-lil